The Catastrophic Cataclysmic suggestions of Featherpocket

What is Featherpocket?

Even more important, who is Featherpocket?

Featherpocket is a comforting mixture of Americana styles, steeped in country music, with an inclination towards "punk rock" ideals. 

What do I mean by punk rock ideals?

I mean watch the new video "Catastrophic Cataclysmic" and then I wont have to explain: 

My favorite moment is 1:32, where Jason Cline (lead singer) dances with his cat, Pinkie. 

The video takes us through a host of characters and settings that are likely familiar to anyone familiar with the year of 2020. 

The guitar playing is clever and demonstrates Cline's ability to weave in between rhythmic country back-up and some fine melodic "chicken pickin'".  The playing at the end of the song captures the chaos of the year. 

So how did this amazing band name come to be?  

Read below:

“Lead singer and acoustic guitarist Jason Cline had an elaborate epiphany when he was living in Portland, Oregon. As he walked from to St. John's Bridge from his house, Cline found a number of feathers. Thinking nothing of it, he picked them up and put them in....the front pocket of his shirt. The next night, - still wearing the same shirt with the same feathers from the day before - Cline was attending a Holy Smokes and the God Forsaken Rollers show. Cline's buddy Johnny Holliday was talking outside, "I'm gonna put microphone in my banjo and rap into it. I'm gonna be Banjomouth." Cline looked down at the feathers in his pocket and replied, "yeah, and I'll be Featherpocket.””

I love their Instagram because it focuses on their music. 

Click below to check it out : 


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